How can AI be used to help children, who are neglected and distressed in the community? We have gathered three relevant cases in this article. You can meet the people behind on European Forum on AI & Data Ethics 2020, and become a part of the debate.
Det er let at lægge fokus det forkerte sted, når organisationen skal ud på rejsen med digital transformation, derfor er det vigtigt at videndele og spare med andre i samme situation, fortæller Dansk IT facilitator for netværksgruppen, Digital Transformation, Thomas Steinmetz.
Dansk IT har indgået et samarbejde med Finanskompetencepuljen, som er din vej til efteruddannelse.
Brug resten af 2020 på at opgradere dine kompetencer.
Oktober er national cybersikkerhedsmåned og i den anledning har Dansk IT samlet en række podcast, artikler, webinarer, efteruddannelse, netværk og publikationer, der løfter din viden om cyber- og informationssikkerhed.
The newly published policy paper provides inspiring initiatives from the Nordic countries and presents ten ideas that shows how quickly we can adapt, re-think and react when required.
If we can use artificial intelligence and machine learning to create a public health care system that allows each citizen to live a longer and healthier life and stay independent in old age, what is there to hold us back? But what if that system is created on the basis of people’s personal data – is that okay? How do we implement a system that needs data without compromising individual privacy and breaking the codex of data ethics?