Automate Processes With AI - Hands On
Become an “AI-Design Sprint Opportunity Mapping Processes Facilitator” and experience the “AI-Design Sprint Process Automation."
Become an “AI-Design Sprint Opportunity Mapping Processes Facilitator” and experience the “AI-Design Sprint Process Automation."
Der er ingen sider, der opfylder de valgte kriterier
AI is the new electricity
The AI-Design Process Automation is based on the proven Google Design Sprint but is compressed to a half-day or one-day session, and the focus is on AI. It’s the way to develop AI concepts for your company as a team. It’s fast and intense.
Participants work in teams developing concepts of how to automate work processes based on example companies in a hands-on way. The participants get smarter about AI, get some hands-on experience with Neural Networks, learn how to approach AI projects, identify process automation potentials, and develop AI-based solution concepts as a team.
What you will experience:
DAY 1 – identify AI opportunities, and get hands-on with algorithms:
You will work in teams to identify AI-opportunities based on an example company.
Afterwards, the teams focus on one example department, map the overall process and identify more specific processes with the most potential for AI automation.
The teams visualize the identified processes with the most potential for AI automation for
the AI-Design Sprint Process Automation session the following day.
Participants explore Neural Network modeling.
DAY 2 – Develop concepts to automate work-processes using paper and cards, and learn how
to start an AI project:
In this session each team focuses on one of the on the previous day identified process mapped out in process steps. The team matches these with AI technologies using cards,
and create first solutions. Teams visualize their solutions, seek feedback and iterate their solution – thus teams augment the entire process.
Teams evaluate their solutions using our evaluation canvas.
Each team presents their developed solution to the whole group.
Our AI expert evaluates the developed solution concepts, details related challenges and
answers questions.
Our AI expert outlines the steps to start AI projects in your company.
Participants get the “AI-Design Sprint Opportunity Mapping Processes toolkit”, the tools
necessary to start identifying opportunity areas and specific processes.
The toolkit includes:
Jonas and Mike are the co-founders of 33A, the AI design company.
In their daily work, they develop design tools for AI and facilitate AI-Design Sprints in companies. Flemming is AI expertand Partner in 33A. Gianluca is co-founder of the AI-Academy.
Jonas Wenke has a Masters in Service Systems Design. He has worked at Volkswagen Group,
in different start-ups, and as a freelance designer. Jonas lives design processes and is key in
the development of the AI-Design Sprint tools.
Mike Brandt has been an educator in higher education with his students developing technology
business concepts. Mike authored a book on design processes and business innovation and led
workshops at companies guiding teams in developing technology business solutions for their
company. He outlines easy steps for people to take action.
Flemming Adsersen is the AI expert and partner at 33A, and partner and owner at
DataScienceHouse Services APS. He is currently also the interim COO at Dansk Center for
Anvendt Kunstig Intelligens. Flemming is passionate about creating business opportunities with
AI and spreading knowledge on the subject. In his everyday work, he leads AI projects and
programs and advises managers in many industries and sectors.
80% of processes in today’s companies can be run by an AI with today’s technology