Jan er projektleder for Djøfs strategiske satsning ”A Working Future”. Et projekt der via analyser og andre indspark skal præge debatten om digitaliseringens betydning for fremtidens arbejdsmarked
Jesper started as the Digital Transformation Officer in August 2018 and is focusing on helping customers simplify their digital transformation. Jesper has a background of business development and sales positions in companies like CSC and SAS Institute before joining SAP in 2010 where he has held different managerial positions. In his role as Nordic CTO, Jesper’s mission is to help customers unlock their business potential by simplifying their digital transformation enabled by the SAP Digital Enterprise Platform and cloud offerings. By helping clients navigate the journey to the digital economy and bridging the gap from their existing landscapes to their desired strategy he seeks to add a business value focus to the digital discussion and strengthen the alignment with the overall strategy of the enterprise.
Jesper has a Cand.polit. from the University of Copenhagen as well as an Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School.